Carol and Monica Talking Mental Health First Aid I had no idea that this lady (Grandma) would change my life so much. If you need help it’s available and we’re bringing it to you right here To be featured send your information to or hit up my follow me tabs
Tag: black women

Terry McMillian’s latest book review
Netflix dropped a series and I couldn’t get into it and the reason I couldn’t relate to ‘The Babysitter’s club’. I was only pretending to read it. I was really reading Terry McMillian books at a young age, but I understood every bit of what I was reading. I always feel like for growth it’s…

P-Valley ReCap
Aint nothing like being in the durty delta at the Pank, with Uncle Clifford and his girls Miss Mississippi, Mercedes, Gidget and Autumn Night. Catch the tea here if you missed season 1.
Epilepsy and Black Teens
My baby had a seizure today My beloved daughter has been seizure free for over 6 years but today came without warning without an aura. I didn’t have a feeling that I use to get I was connected to her the way I once was. She was playing basketball and she was in her element…

To Settle or Not Settle. That is the question!
As I seldom do is I grab my phone and stroll through social media and I kept seeing things about what women needing to be able to do to get a husband or “Not being able turning a whore into a housewife,” or if you want to be married with children by a certain you…