Novel by Carla Pennington turned movie
Tag: shastamignon
Epilepsy and Black Teens
My baby had a seizure today My beloved daughter has been seizure free for over 6 years but today came without warning without an aura. I didn’t have a feeling that I use to get I was connected to her the way I once was. She was playing basketball and she was in her element…

Please, Don’t Shoot!!
We have had enough. As a black woman I’m outraged. As a mother I’m frighten. As a tax payer I’m pissed. As a voter I demand justice be served. As I an American it seems like the norm which angers me. George Floyd, Atatiana Jefferson, and Breonna Taylor are not the first and won’t be the last African Americans killed…

Quarantined doesn’t have to be all bad.
I drew this to help my kid with her work and she said “Oh mama, I can’t draw either.
I thought it was cute