Breast Care Prevention

As I sat in a room of strange women all dressed in the ugliest pink I’ve ever seen with more than one thing in common. Fear!!! We were waiting for mammograms 2 of us black 2 of us white and a young Latina girl awaiting to translate for her mother I became a voyeur in this room within a split second a lady who calls herself Kim said she was back again looking for answers to decide how she would spend the rest of her life and that she remembers praying for God to let her die it was so bad. I realized we all were carrying some heavy weight.
The lady with blonde bob asked her could she pray for her while grabbing her hand and she immediately started praying and I remembered my mama alwaysing saying ‘where 2 or more are gathered.’
I unexpectedly bowed my head during the prayer involuntarily but out of habit. I couldn’t close my eyes I was stalking their private prayer but I looked at Kim and I saw her breathe relax as she took in the word of prayer from a lady we couldn’t describe her aura if we tried, could easily be mistaken as a disciple. Kim was relieved and I was full. They knew I was in agreement with my firm AMEN.
Full of love and compassion for them both whom I would address them both as ma’am, have no idea how touching that moment was and yes it was stolen because the other black lady never lifted her head eyes glued to her phone but inside I know she took in some of that prayer too. It was too sincere and genuine not to accept a little tenderness on today.
And when they called ‘Kim’ by a different name she jumped up with a little more hope than that she sat down in that defeated chair.
When there was no one left to speak I said “that was a beautiful thing you did for her and it was very nice of you.”
She said I believe there is God I’m everywhere are you a believer?”
I answered, “yes ma’am. I am.”
She said “I knew it.”

I like to think I was raised right by the best women in my city.
The called her name and she floated by in her pink robe, hers flowed differently. I went back to writing she came changed her clothes and say back beside me we said nothing as I was sure that she saw me busily clacking nails to screen and didn’t want to disturb. When they called her name she stood up and reached her hand in my direction and affirmed, “I’ll be praying for good news for you for, for everyone.” Her hand was soft and warm compared to my cold and nervous felt reassuring
I redirected, “Good news for you too,”because in that beautiful moment she forgot why she was here too.
And just like that God’s earth angel disappeared behind the door more of a stranger than she was before.
And when ‘Kim’ came out after changing her clothes she wore scrubs that matched the staff?!
What had I witness?! And if it was a crime would I be summoned to court? But then again who would believe this story anyways knowing I’m a creative writer!