The headlines stunned early Sunday Local Atlanta iconic Legend Rapper Trouble tragically shot and killed devastatingly taken away this pass weekend in what was called a domestic dispute while asleep with a female friend in her apartment that she shared with a violent ex.
Trouble was what he called but it’s not who he was. Born Mariel ‘Skoob’ Orr on November 4, 1987 in Atlanta. This young life cut down at age 34 was much more than that’s of a rapper businessman hustler he was a great father, son, brother, role model businessman he was gifted prolific and lover too many. I discovered him on IG I noticed that he was spitting game he was telling you the thoughts of a real grown man. He informed educated and uplifted his community.
Trouble was my daughter’s generation Tupac but in a Scorpio form. You can’t explain why you rock with him so hard. He’s like the “THUG” you love to hate but hate that you love him. Its that charisma baby they are charming and don’t even have to say a word and you’re drawn in by their vibes alone.
I am the self proclaimed biggest Tupac fan of his music but his path was best part about him. Yes the both were rappers and entertainers but their purpose was to inform the masses and spark their minds while spreading love. Tupac a gemini known in astrology as the lover was same man that said “I get around” also said “Can you get away? “Dear mama and Keep ya Head up.” Trouble songs “Aint my fault and She a winner sang Lend your Heart and Ms Cathy and Ms Connie. Skoob took pride in the video of him surprising his mother with her new house, that’s every little boy growing up in the hoods dream come true. The smile on his face was priceless and contagious.
As an educated black woman I have read these stories more than I liked to count one thing different I realized about Trouble was it was all love and admiration it was all positive. The love poured in abundance once the shock wore off I don’t think any of us wanted to believe that it could be true as the confirmations flooded in and the #RIPTROUBLE #LLTROUBLE hit nobody wanted to actually accept that someone would be stupid enough to take a hometown hero out AGAIN! Senseless violence, a crime in thereat of passion is what defense will call it. Fans don’t
The state of Georgia felt this lost like Tennessee lost Young Dolph, LA with Nipsey Hussle yet another fallen leader’s life taken away by another black man and it leaves so much hurt behind. So many unanswered questions grieving mothers, sisters, sons, daughters, wives, girlfriends soul mates and communities.

I had the pleasure of meeting Trouble while in Atlanta and I gave him a signed copy of my book for his daughter. I noticed him standing out outside alone so I approached him while he smoking he held my eye contact as I did my pitch about the book and my admiration for love he shows for his kids and his people. I don’t know if he was being humble or shy but he smiled it off. I always show love and let men and women know they are making a difference and to keep uptake good work so they knew we appreciate the good even if it never makes the news or not. I asked if he would take a picture he obliged and he made sure that he held his cigarette away from me and he was careful how he embraced during the picture it was respect he was chill laid back in his element I didn’t expect anything less. He told me that he would read it and I said give it to your mom after your done and let me what you think. I thought I was writing my book for black women but learned early men could benefit from it as well. I don’t really listen many IG popping people some of them really do be on some bullshit but Trouble was different and I was intrigued with the man behind the music and he introduced me to political half Malcolm X of the duo, Scotty Smart he was giving back the organizing Trouble feeding single mamas for Mother’s Day and buying school uniforms and running around Atlanta buying turkeys to giveaway for Thanskgiving. If you aint never been on hard times or asked to donate can goods you wouldn’t understand that’s the difference between eating or not eating for the holidays.
He wasn’t a giant but he carried a heavy presence fine ass mil chocolate slime frame covered in tattoos with his hood on his back EDGEWOOD, Zone 6. Trouble’s southern hospitality was delivered in his own language but if you from the souf you got it and his laugh was infectious and his smile was one of a kind but his gaze was deep probably as deep as his mind. LOL.
He was always giving advice on all topics from stocks to women to men relationships fatherhood dating sneaky links and investing. He spoke his mind but he was solid so he stood for something not everyone can be remembered that way. One of his last videos on IG was telling snacks (women) men talk more than we think they do and they know when they are sharing some bottom (sex) and they have a mature understanding that she for the streets. I cleaned it up remember Trouble was raw and real and that’s what we loved the most about him he never switched up he was the same in a suit or sweats it was his bravado a sexy ass man that could go from board room to a pool party on the same day.

Was he a perfect man, no? Did he have a troubled past, of course who doesn’t? Trouble wasn’t the rapper to make some money and move out his hood he was always there he passed out turkeys, he handed kids money he had gangsters putting down real guns to pick up water gun for fun, he was boycotting a local gas station that was being targeted where many black women and men were being robbed and car jacked and the gas station took no action to offer protection. He took his kids to the park and birthday parties. He lived and I mean lived his life to the fullest he had a solid crew that he pulled up on to support from rap to politics.
The black communities can not keep taking loss like this if we can’t protect the man coming back to save us who’s going to save us? Like he keep complaining about black on black crime yet when the men make it out the hood and come back with their hands out to the hood y’all take his life. Why? We can not blame the white people for all of our problems but this man lost his life for what? How many more?
What about his kids? The little girl that has to grow up without her father and is too young to understand why her daddy won’t be coming to pick her up ever again. Her heart is broken forever because of the decisions of one man’s bruised ego. I watched my little cousin grow up without a father behind a situation kind of like this. This makes the cycle continue. If you cowards continue picking up guns instead of books the strong black man will be extinct. Dude is the only one to blame for the messed up decision he made to make that man’s life that sad night.
He was good with everyone he expressed his emotions to his loved ones and he fulfilled his purpose and he rolled the dice and gambled Trouble fought with the devil to the end God won and gained his wings. Fly high prophet.
I pray for everyone that loved Trouble they knew him that was inspired by him but especially his mother sister brother and kids. May Trouble forever live on. Rest in PEACE King.
Sadly at the same time Trouble was murdered 3 people lost their lives in Chattanooga Tennessee on McCallie Avenue to senseless violence as well. Trouble didn’t go to heaven alone. Rest In Peace Kevin Brown Myrakle Moss and Darian Hixson may God comfort the families and friends during this difficult time and after.
Tupac said “Use your brains its not them killing us its us killing us. Use your brains or be a victim.” ~White manz World